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Medicare Supplements

Are you or a family member approaching Medicare eligibility? 

    We have helped hundreds of NH residents get to the bottom of the Medicare and Medicare Supplement alphabet soup.  Part A, Part B – Plan G, Plan N.  How do I apply?  What is covered, what is not covered?  It can all be very confusing. 

    We have developed a lesson plan that can get you on track.  In one short meeting, we will simplify the mountain of mail and gain a clear understanding of Medicare and Medicare Supplements.  When it comes to buying a Medicare supplement, we represent many insurance carriers and will help you do the shopping!  Sure you can buy Medicare Supplements over the phone or on the web, but for the very same price, we will be here after our meeting if additional questions arise.  Our lesson and follow-up services do not cost you a dime in larger premiums or fees. 

    We have years of experience with and have taken hours of classes on this subject!   We will provide a clear lesson and a sequential list of steps that will help lead you the right decision!  Give us a call to schedule your lesson today!  You will be glad you did.


We represent many major Carriers

We recommend that a meeting be scheduled prior to a final decision. 


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